We are a community organization committed to helping you live a healthy and vibrant lifestyle through breathwork, meditation, and cold therapy. Learn to control your thoughts, emotions and overcome self-limiting beliefs with these powerful techniques.

Discover these holistic self-healing practices in our online and in-person classes or one-on-one sessions.

Transform your life online or in-person in our Salt Lake City Classes.

Get everything you need to take charge of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.


Breathwork Online

Live Zoom Classes incorporate breathwork and visualization techniques designed to help you end negative patterns quickly. Classes are taught Monday - Friday at 7:15 AM Mountain Time.


In-Person Classes

Join our community in Salt Lake City, Utah for breathwork, ice baths, and authentic human connection. Classes are held most Sunday mornings @ 9 AM and 10:30 AM


Individual Sessions

Accelerate your results and end the negative patterns that are holding you back in life with wellness coaching and private breathwork sessions.



Ready to make MASSIVE changes in your life?

What is Inner Alchemy?

Inner Alchemy bears the symbol of the dragonfly. The dragonfly carries with it the virtue of living freely. It is a symbol of change, transformation, and self-realization. It teaches us to love life, to rejoice, and have faith even amidst difficulties. Dragonflies start to grow in water and then move into the air and fly, while being light and quick to adapt. Just as the color of the dragonfly changes as it matures, we too can experience different identities as we grow and change.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools to achieve healing, personal transformation, and profound life change.

About Us


Hi, we're Cass & Paulus, the founders of Inner Alchemy. We’re excited to help you transform your life through breathwork, cold therapy, and healthy living.

While on a five-year worldwide journey of self-discovery and healing, we found breathwork after a chance encounter with a stranger in Barcelona. This technique helped us break addictions, overcome childhood trauma, heal mental health issues and reconstruct self-limiting belief systems.

When we returned home to Salt Lake City, Utah, we began teaching people in our community the power of breathwork and cold therapy and have facilitated hundreds of people to use this technique to change their lives in workshops online and in our studio.  


J. Paulus is a breathwork teacher and ice bath coach whose mission is to help people break negative habits and live healthier lives.

In a dark period of his life, he discovered breathwork and it quickly changed his life. This technique helped him bring awarness to his life, overcome childhood trauma, and reconstruct a self-limiting belief system.

After five years of traveling the world, he trained to facilitate these methods while living in Bali, Indonesia and has now facilitated hundreds of people in breath and ice bath sessions.

He’s also a certified SOMA Breathwork Instructor, and Sound Therapist. He loves using sound and energy work to help others process emotions during sessions.


Cassidy Paulus manages the marketing for Inner Alchemy and handles all administrative tasks to keep the project up and running.

She is a Reiki Master and loves helping others process emotions during breathwork sessions.


Amy Henderson, MSW, LCSW, has been in the mental health field for nearly 20 years. She has been many things, but most recently, she has been a mental health therapist since 2014. In 2018, Amy founded Inner Journey Counseling – here, she specializes in providing individual therapy & skills groups to adults & older adults wanting to heal from trauma, especially complex trauma, & grief & loss issues. Her primary & preferred treatment approach is belief-focused EMDR (eye movement desensitization & re-processing). She also integrates Internal Family Systems (IFS) & DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) into her work with clients. In addition to being an EMDR Certified Clinician, she is also an EMDR Coach and Consultant-in-Training and runs DBT skills groups for adults with her wonderful colleagues where they teach 4 core skills: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation & interpersonal effectiveness.

In her free time, Amy likes to daydream about a world where people everywhere are supported in their journey of healing trauma & every human is taught mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation & interpersonal effectiveness skills. Amy is a native Utahn who currently lives in Salt Lake City & enjoys road cycling; Qi Gong; indoor & outdoor plants, trees & gardens; painting; rescuing huskies & loving on her very own rescue huskies, Marco & Desmond.


Jose Montero - "Hello everyone! Excited to be a part of the community of Inner Alchemy and to have the opportunity to be a voice to guide breathwork. I am a Costa Rican-American and a certified hatha yoga instructor, specializing in the traditional Bikram series. My passion for breath and yoga is rooted in the impact these practices have in aligning, recovering, and strengthening the mind, body, and spirit. 

In addition to teaching, I currently work as a Senior Manager of Enablement at Sword Health, a digital healthcare company dedicated to relieving 2 billion people from pain."